Website Updates
Wellesley Centers for Women

Website Updates—Wellesley Centers for Women
Website Support
Tools: Joomla, Filezilla, Photoshop, Illustrator, Audacity
At the Wellesley Centers for Women, I work in the digital communications department providing support updating the main website and 4 microsites.
- Wellesley Centers for Women
- The National Institute on Out-of-School Time
- Open Circle
- National SEED Project
- Youth, Media, & Wellbeing Research Lab
“I’ve had the pleasure of working with Elyssa for nearly three years now. She joined the Wellesley Centers for Women’s web team as an intern and moved into a part-time Website Assistant position, which she continues to hold. Every Wednesday, without fail nor complaint, Elyssa comes into the office and jumps into time-consuming tasks that require attention to detail and quality control. These include posting publication and blog articles to our websites using the Joomla content management system; researching, editing, and posting images to the sites; and ensuring critical software and security updates are made to shared devices used by research scientists. Additionally, we’ve benefited from her photography skills when we’ve had special events on her work days. Elyssa is a much appreciated member of our community and we enjoy having her on our team.”

New Council of Advisors page

Women’s Review of Books pages
The WRB journal came out six times per year. I added the list of articles, images, and several free articles were posted on the website as well as links to the publisher.

The Research and Action report was added twice a year.

Women Change Worlds Blog
I created the new cover image for the blog which I also added articles as needed.

Research Scientists & Project Directors
I add new researchers, associates, trainers, and other updates as needed.

ASM Journal was added twice a year.
I add the article briefs as well as the PDF pages to the National Institute on Out-of-School Time website.